ZAGREB, Feb 2 (Hina) - Croatian Minister of Tourism Niko Bulic
today told a House of Representatives session that the 1994 tourist
season was very successful.
Bulic said Croatia was expecting a 30 percent increase in the
tourist trade this year.
The House debated the issue for several hours and agreed that
tourism was Croatia's strategic economic sector.
Ante Lovric of the Croatian Farmers' Party called for the
promotion of rural tourism, while Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)
member Katarina Fucek said that more attention should be paid to
the tourist value of Croatian castles.
Dalmatian Action (DA) party leader Mira Ljubic Lorger called
for resolving the problem of water supplies in the Zadar and
Sibenik areas.
In response to deputies' questions, Bulic said that regarding
the current political situation, Croatia should fully concentrate
on preparations for this year's tourist season and continue its
efforts at peaceful resolution of the problem of occupied areas.
(hina) mm rv
022208 MET feb 95
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