ZAGREB, Feb 1 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Nikica Valentic
today received the newly-appointed chief of the European Union
Monitor Mission (ECMM) in Zagreb, Ambassador Albert Turot.
Valentic explained the reasons why Croatia decided to cancel
UNPROFOR's mandate, noting it was a rational decision and not an
emotional one.
"Croatia is aware that nothing will happen if the UNPROFOR
mandate is extended, and it is not prepared to accept a Cyprus-
style solution," Valentic stressed.
He said Croatia was willing to do everything to avoid war and
continue seeking a peaceful settlement.
Valentic specified three preconditions to a peaceful
settlement: the mutual recognition of all former Yugoslav republics
within their internationally recognized borders, which had been
accepted by all parties except the Serbs; firm guarantees of
minority rights with international supervision; and the economic
reintegration of UN-protected areas.
Speaking of the Z-4 plan, Valentic said that it was
essentially unacceptable, but that Croatia was willing to negotiate
to show its good will. He recalled that Knin Serb leaders had
refused to even look at the plan.
Valentic emphasized that a key to the resolution of the crisis
was in Serbia. He added that Bosnian Serbs would also reject a
peace plan unless Belgrade exerted pressure on them.
Turot said Europe did not shut its eyes to problems in the
former Yugoslavia.
He evaluated the situation as very grave, and said that a
recent proposal put forward by French Foreign Mininister Alain
Juppe, on organizing a new conference on former Yugoslavia, was one
of the ways in search of a solution.
(hina) mm vm
011839 MET feb 95
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