ZAGREB, Feb 1 (Hina) - "The Serbian National Party (SNS) cannot be
unhappy with the proposed Z-4 plan, because it offers a first-rate
and safe solution," SNS leader Milan Dukic today told a press
"The key for the resolution of the crisis is in the hands of
the Croatian leadership and diplomacy," Dukic affirmed.
"Reactions from Knin have been wrongfully seen as Krajina
rejecting the plan," Dukic said.
"Knin did not reject the plan," he emphasised.
"They merely said it was hard to accept something that no one
had any idea on how to implement."
SNS supported Knin's view that UNPROFOR's presence was vital
for peace.
If a peaceful and just solution was the aim, the
federalisation of Croatia and corresponding changes in the
Constitutions were no problem.
As for the two-currency system, that was the fault of the
right-wing-minded Croatian authorities that introduced a currency
whose name "irritated the Serbs".
Dukic called on Krajina Serbs not to listen to war-mongers and
realise that all problems should be resolved in a peaceful way.
(hina) jn as sd
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