GENEVA, Jan 23 (Hina) - An aide to the Croatian Foreign Minister,
Ivan Simonovic, this afternoon addressed high world officials at a
five-day conference on the protection of war victims, which began
today in Geneva.
Simonovic spoke of the consequences of Serb aggression against
Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, genocide, and the ethnic cleansing
policy applied to non-Serbs in Serb-occupied areas.
Croatia and Bosnia were examples of the inefficiency of the
present humanitarian mechanisms for the protection of war victims,
Simonovic said. He called for a more efficient mechanism to be
established to prevent violations of international humanitarian
Simonovic asked for speedier and more efficient international
action on the grounds of UN Charter Chapter 7, in the event of
systematic and mass violations of humanitarian rights in some
countries. Chapter 7 deals with the possibilities of using armed
forces if the peace and security of a country are threatened.
Croatia supported the International Tribunal for War Crimes in
the Former Yugoslavia. It also demanded that countries which
refused to extradite international criminals, be condemned.
Croatia advocated the establishment of an international court
to punish war criminals, regardless of their nationality and where
they committed the crimes.
(hina) jn sd mms
231946 MET jan 95
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