ZAGREB, 14 Nov (Hina) - The Parliament House of Representatives on
Thursday continued the November session. The session is attended by
Croatian Democratic Party (HDZ) and several independent
representatives. Members of Opposition parties yesterday left the
session, after the Draft Resolution on the solution of 'Zagreb
crisis' was taken off the agenda by voting. The leaders of
Opposition parties, Ivica Racan (Social-Democratic Party, SDP),
Vladimir Gotovac (Croatian Social-Liberal Party, HSLS), Zlatko
Tomcic (Croatian Peasants' Party, HSS) and Radimir Cacic (Croatian
People's Party, HNS), who proposed the resolution, announced a one-
month boycott of Parliament work. Their proposal was supported by
the Istrian Democratic Assembly (IDS). The Croatian Party of Rights
(HSP) accepted the proposal in principal.
At today's session, representatives are to vote on six items
of the agenda which were discussed yesterday, as well as on five
items which were left from the previous session.
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