STRASBOURG, 7 Nov (Hina) - The Council of Europe Committee of
Ministers started its 99th session in Strasbourg Thursday morning.
The Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic is attending the session
for the first time as a full member.
The session was opened by the Chairman of the Committee of
Ministers, Estonia's Foreign Minister Siim Kallas, who is
performing the task of the chairman for the last time.
The Committee of Ministers will discuss democratic security in
Europe in the period following the enlargement of the Council of
Europe, which now has 40 full members.
The Commitee will also discuss the proposed second meeting of
state and government heads of the Council of Europe member states,
which should be held between May and October 1997. The first summit
was held in Vienna in 1993.
Before the beginning of this morning's session of the
Committee of Ministers, Minister Granic also attended a session of
the mixed committee of representatives of the Parliamentary
Assembly and Council of Europe Secretariat.
(hina) rm jn
071045 MET nov 96
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