BELI MANASTIR, Oct 11 (Hina) - About 200 Serbs blocked the office
issuing Croatian documents in Beli Manastir in the UN administered
area of eastern Croatia on Thursday, demanding that the office be
relocated from the town's centre, the Croatian government office
for the area said in a statement on Friday.
Demonstrators cut off telephone lines to the office, prevented
the personnel from leaving the building and assaulted a person of
Serb nationality who had come to apply for Croatian documents.
The people trapped in the office, including 11 employees and
15 citizens, were protected by members of the UN Belgian Battalion
and the joint Croatian-Serb police force.
Following two hours of negotiations which began at 17.00
hours, the protesters were addressed by local Serb authorities,
after which they began to disperse. A crowd of about 50 most
persistent demonstrators was broken up by the joint police.
The office employees, for whom the UN administration provides
daily transport from Osijek to Beli Manastir and back, were
showered with eggs and various objects on their way to a bus. They
returned to Osijek at 21.30 hours.
Waving Serbian flags and shouting abuse, protesters damanded
that the Belgian Battalion end its show of force in the Baranja
region. The UN troops and joint police securing the office building
were also targeted with eggs and bottles.
The government statement said that the protest had been
organized by local Serb leaders. Describing the behaviour of the
joint police, it said that some officers did their job properly
while some just stood and watched.
The local Serb authorities and UN civil affairs coordinator
Gerard Fisher were meeting on Friday to discuss the incident.
(hina) vm jn
111802 MET oct 96
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