ZAGREB, Sept 9 (Hina) - "Croatia's external debt is such that we
can sleep peacefully, and now it's up to banks to try and improve
their business performance through individual borrowing, without
burdening the state," Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa told a news
conference in Zagreb on Monday.
Finance Minister Bozo Prka said that the trend of reducing
intrest rates would result in further investment development. He
said that the reduction of interest rates was "the most successful
part of the economic policy of this government."
The interest rate on the money market dropped from 35 percent
at the beginning of the year to the current 7-8 per cent. The
discount rate of the National Bank of Croatia was reduced from 8.5
to 6.5 percent a year.
Prka said that conditions had been created for Croatia to be
classified on the international financial market as a country free
of war risk, propitious for investment and capable of repaying its
debts according to schedule.
It was expected that Croatia, as far as its credit rating was
concerned, would be put in the same category as Slovenia, Hungary,
Poland and Slovakia, he added.
In response to a question, Matesa reiterated that "there will
be no government reshuffle as announced by the yellow press.
Reshuffles are normal in democratic countries, and should there be
any you would hear about them from me first."
(hina) vm jn
091742 MET sep 96
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