ZAGREB, Aug 30 (Hina) - Deputy Presidential Chief of Staff Vesna
Skare-Ozbolt on Friday received British Ambassador to Croatia
Gawin Hewitt and Foreign Office Deputy Political Director Emyr
Jones Parry.
The talks focused on the further process of reintegration of
the Croatian Danubian area, particularly in the light of the
recently signed agreement on normalization of relation between
Croatia and Yugoslavia, the President's Office said in a
It was estimated that the agreement would greatly contribute
to the acceleration of the reintegration of the Serb-held area
into the Croatian legal and economic system.
Skare-Ozbolt informed Parry about Croatian views on an
extension of the mandate of the UN Transitional Administration
and a date of elections in the area.
They also discussed the further strengthening and expanding
of political, ecomomic and overall cooperation between Great
Britain and Croatia.
(hina) vm
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