$ S
TUZLA, August 8 (Hina) - Leaders of the Croatian Democratic Union
(HDZ) Soli on Thursday for the first time made a public protest in
relation to the constituting of the local electoral commission and
electoral committees in Tuzla for the September elections in
"Since not one of the seven members and seven deputies of the
municipal electoral commission is a HDZ member, even though that
party is represented at the Tuzla Transitional Municipal Council
with five councilors, and because municipal authorities did not
even consult our committee in occasion of the forming of electoral
committees for the September elections, we may rightfully suspect
the regularity of the elections and be reserved as regards the
principle of the Validity of Electoral Procedure", president of the
HDZ Soli County Committee Ivo Andric told a press conference.
He added that no HDZ member was deployed at 140 election posts
in the Tuzla municipality to supervise the holding of the
elections. "Within two or three days we'll confirm our suspicions
and officially complain to the Regional Centre of the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Tuzla, requesting them to
change the factual situation", said Andric.
Reporters were also informed of HDZ's inability for promotion
during the pre-electoral campaign.
(hina) ha
081648 MET aug 96
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