SARAJEVO, 25 May (Hina) - The behaviour of the Herzeg-Bosnian Croat
police in an incident which happened in Drvar last Thursday was
unjustified, spokesman for the International Police in Sarajevo,
Patrick Swenson stated on Saturday. During a visit to Drvar,
western Bosnia, a UNICEF delegation was detained by the Croat
police for several hours because they were taking pictures of the
famous 'Tito's Cave'.
The UNICEF delegation included Tatsuko Kuroyanagi, UNICEF
Ambassador of Good Will, and a group of Japanese journalists.
The Croat police claimed the delegation was taking pictures of
military facilities, but spokesman Swenson denied it, adding that
the incident would be investigated. From what the International
police knew so far, he added, the behaviour of the Croat police was
unjustified and it represented the violation of freedom of
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