SARAJEVO, 29 April (Hina) - The Muslim refugees who had been
expelled from Trnovo and who today set out from Sarajevo to visit
the cemetery in Trnovo for the great Muslim holiday Bayram, did not
complete their journey. Trnovo is a small town, 20 km south of
Sarajevo, on the territory of the Bosnian Serb entity.
Although their journey had been announced to IFOR and UNHCR
representatives as well as to the Serb police, six buses with 500
Muslim refugees managed only to reach a separation line between the
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Serb entity and had to
According to a statement from IFOR Sector South-East, the
Muslims did not complete their journey to Trnovo because of great
tension on the borderline. Some time before 4 pm, they returned to
According to reports from the police station in Ilidza,
carried by the Sarajevo media, the Serbs gathered along the road
which leads to Trnovo and started throwing stones on the buses with
Muslim refugees. Their attack caused material damage and in order
to avoid more severe consequences, the police returned the buses to
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291949 MET apr 96
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