MOSTAR, April 22 - The new European Union Administrator for Mostar, Ricardo Perez Casado, on Monday said that he hoped the European Administration would have an important role in the re-establishment of co-existence in Mostar.
MOSTAR, April 22 - The new European Union Administrator for Mostar,
Ricardo Perez Casado, on Monday said that he hoped the European
Administration would have an important role in the re-establishment
of co-existence in Mostar. #L#
During his visit to the eastern part of Mostar, Casado said
that "we must be optimistic", that "much has been destroyed", and
that "support is necessary for the reconstruction of the city".
"Our main task is to support both sides and to help normalize
the political and social life", Casado said, adding that he was
happy living conditions have been normalized in Mostar.
"Our role is to provide technical means that will help reach a
political reconciliation", Casado concluded.
(hina) ha
MOSTAR, 22. travnja (Hina) - Novi upravitelj EU-a za Mostar Ricardo
Perez Casado danas je izjavio kako se nada da će uloga Europske
uprave biti odlučujuća za ponovno uspostavljanje suživota u
Mostaru. #L#
Obilazeći istočni dio Mostara, rekao je kako "moramo biti
optimisti", kako je "puno toga srušeno", te kako je "potrebna
potpora u obnovi grada".
"Ovdje je naša osnovna zadaća dati potporu objema stranama te
normalizaciji u političkom i socijalnom životu", rekao je Casado,
dodavši da ga raduje što običan život u Mostaru funkcionira.
"Naša je uloga osigurati tehnička sredstva kako bi se
političko pomirenje", kazao je Casado.
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