$ S SAY SARAJEVO, 20 April (Hina) - Commanders of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO), Bosnian army and Bosnian Serb army met this morning in the IFOR headquarters in Ilidza near Sarajevo to present precise data on the exact deployment
of their forces and locations of heavy weapons which were to be gathered by the expiry of the D+120 deadline.
SARAJEVO, 20 April (Hina) - Commanders of the Croatian Defence
Council (HVO), Bosnian army and Bosnian Serb army met this morning
in the IFOR headquarters in Ilidza near Sarajevo to present precise
data on the exact deployment of their forces and locations of heavy
weapons which were to be gathered by the expiry of the D+120
deadline. #L#
The meeting is chaired by IFOR ground force commander General
Michael Walker who will inform Admiral Leighton Smith about its
results. After Smith decides whether the parties have fulfilled
their obligations successfully, the final estimation would be given
by the NATO Council.
However, this did not mean that the IFOR mission in Bosnia was
completed, a high officer in the IFOR headquarters, Brigadier
Andrew Cummings said. He recalled that the task of the
implementation force would be not only to control the four-
kilometer deep areas around the separation lines, in which no
soldiers or weapons should be present, but also the 20-km deep
zones in which the movement of soldiers and the transport of
weapons is strictly limited.
IFOR soldiers from the 'North' multinational division have
already seized a large amount of anti-aircraft weapons from the
Serbs. IFOR soldiers have confiscated three anti-aircraft cannons
and another five pieces of weaponry from the Serbs yesterday. The
weapons were located in prohibited areas.
The Bosnia peace operation called 'Joint Endeavour' includes
55,000 soldiers from 32 countries.
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