THE HAGUE, March 27 (Hina) - The International Criminal Tribunal
for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Wednesday announced that the public
hearing in the case of Croatian Defence Council General Ivica Rajic
would start on Tuesday, April 2.
Ivica Rajic, known also as Viktor Andric, was indicted on 23
August last year for the violation of Geneva conventions and law of
war. According to the indictment, Rajic commanded HVO troops which
on 23 October 1993 attacked the Muslim village of Stupni Do,
central Bosnia.
At least 16 civilians were killed in the attack, the village
was destroyed and its resident were forced to flee.
The hearing will be held in absentia and its purpose is to
confirm the indictment. After the indictment is confirmed, an
international warrant of arrest will be issued.
(hina) rm
271912 MET mar 96
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