ZAGREB, Feb 28 (Hina) - 'It is already five months since the
Croatian Journalists' Association, on 30 September 1995, sent a
protest note to the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) editor's office
for discharging 19 journalists who had protested against the
suspension of the 'Programme in the Croatian language'. In the
meantime, the WDR responded to the protest note, saying it was a
free radio station and adding that there had been no dismissals.
What is more, the WDR was trying to 'get in contact' with the
protesters so that the issue could be settled, Zeljko Hodonj writes
in today's issue of the Croatian daily "VECERNJI LIST".
Recalling the case, the journalist further writes: "The
Croatian programme was 'drowned' in the broadcast entitled 'Forum
for Southeastern Europe' which is intended for 'listeners from
former Yugoslavia'. With such a choice of editorial strategy, the
WDR has shown its political orientation, failing to recognize an
internationally recognized state and insisting ignorantly on
Speaking about the statements by the WDR editor-in-chief about
the 'Serbo-Croat language', the journalists recalls that exactly
this failure to differentiate between Croatian and Serbian was
typical for the Serbian conception according to which all Croats
are actually Serbs.
At the end of his commentary, Hodonj says: 'By withdrawing the
Croatian programme for the sake of European ideas of communion, the
WDR has committed a professional blasphemy. The Croatian community,
with 500,000 members, is the largest community in Germany. The WDR
bosses did not consider it wise to put someone else to make
programmes for the Turks, Italians or Spaniards. Politically, the
WDR has chosen to be a restorer of an 'All-Slavia', confirming in
that way that the social-democratic associations, which support the
radio station, are still lagging behind changes that developed
faster and in an unexpected direction.
(hina) rm jn
281453 MET feb 96
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