NOVI TRAVNIK, central Bosnia, Jan 20 (Hina) - A top-ranking Bosnian
Croat officer with the joint Bosnian federal armed force staff on
Saturday offered additional explanation for recent tensions and
incidents in central Bosnia.
The HVO regional command in Vitez had fulfilled the Dayton
obligations 72 hours before the deadline, Major General Filip
Filipovic said, referring to the key obligations imposed to all
sides -- to pull two kilometers back from the current positions and
to remove minefields left behind.
Meanwhile the Bosnian army troops also withdrew, he added.
But to pull back from its previous positions against the Serb
forces, the Bosnian army 373th Doboj brigade had to enter the area
around two Croat populated villages of Ularice and Alibegovci. The
area had already been controlled by the HVO's 110th regiment.
"Formally speaking, the Bosnian army unit had only
accomplished the Dayton task. But it was totally unacceptable in
political terms, since the area had already been under 110th
regiment's control and had Croat local population and civilian
structure," Gen. Filipovic said.
"The problem may be solved easily in military terms, but the
Bosnian government Interior Ministry intended to send 1,500 police
officers into the area and thus to dismantle existing (Croat) and
establish new (Bosniac) authority there, in violation of the (1994)
Washington Accord.
The incidents occurred in time when Croatian Defence Council
(HVO) and Bosnian army had "developed a remarkable cooperation in
implementation of the Dayton agreement," Major Gen. Filip Filipovic
said, adding that current situation in Usora pocket was another
test for both federal partners.
(Hina) bk
201334 MET jan 96
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