DRVAR, 28 Oct (Hina) - The representatives of the municipal
committee of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) in Bosnia-
Herzegovina and Serb political parties on Tuesday held talks on the
implementation of election results in Drvar municipality. The
meeting was held at the initiative of the Herzeg-Bosnia Canton
commissioner for Drvar municipality, Borivoj Malbasic.
According to the results of the September municipal election,
released by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE), HDZ will have 11 and the Serb 'Coalition for Drvar' 19 seats
in Drvar municipal council.
The constituent session should be held on 7 November.
After today's meeting, the Serb representatives visited the
villages of Bastasi and Sipovljani in Drvar municipality, where
Serb refugees have returned.
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