( Vidi vijest: 6335 )
PLOCE, Oct 28 (Hina) - The American Condor ro-ro ship sailed in the
south Croatian port of Ploce on Tuesday with 1,250 tons of U.S.
military assistance for the Bosnian army.
Today's shipment, organized by the Tankerkomerc international
shipping agency from Zadar, includes 126 155mm howitzers, a large
quantity of ammunition, and other military equipment.
The arrival of multiple rocket launchers and non-combat vehicles,
also from the U.S. is expected in the near future.
Today's shipment is a constituent part of the Equip And Train
Programme, organized and implemented by the MPRI private company
from the U.S, which equips and trains the federal army of Bosnia-
(hina) ha
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