( Editorial: --> 5978 )
BELI MANASTIR, Oct 5 (Hina) - Fourteen primary and secondary
schools in the eastern Croatian region of Baranja are currently
under reconstruction, and are expected to be completed soon.
An exception is the Beli Manastir Primary School which is to be
reconstructed in the following year.
The reconstruction will cost US$4.8 million, because after
reintegration into the Croatian education system, the schools were
found to be in a poor state, lacking materials and basic working
conditions, head of the Osijek-Baranja County Education and
Culture Office, Ksenija Zbozil, said on Monday.
Zbozil on Monday held talks with Beli Manastir Mayor Simon Stupar
about the course of the reconstruction, education and culture.
"Everything must be done in order for life to be normalised in the
Croatian Danube River region where many displaced persons have
returned and still are," she said.
Asked about the possibility that Serb teachers continue to ignore
their responsibility to hold classes for Croatian students in the
Croatian language, Zobzil said inspections will be intensified,
and "if it is established that teachers are not fulfilling their
obligation, inspectors will have the authority to issue reprimands
or remove them from their posts".
During recent days parents have signed petitions complaining that
Serb teachers did not teach classes with Croatian children in
(hina) lml /mbr
051806 MET oct 98
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