( Editorial: --> 5641 )
PRISTINA, Aug 24 (Hina) - Nine Albanian students who are members of
the Independent Union of Albanian Students leadership were on
Monday sentenced to a total of 32 and a half years in prison at the
county court in Prizren.
The first three were sentenced to imprisonment between five and a
half years and seven and a half years, while the remaining six were
sentenced to imprisonment between one year and three and a half
The bill of indictment charges them with "association to the effect
of enemy activity" and with "terrorism".
Among the nine sentenced are three female students.
The defence pointed out this was a rigged political trial as the
students' guilt had not been proved at the trial by any sort of
According to the Kosovo Association of Albanian Political
Prisoners, the Serbian authorities in Kosovo recently initiated a
large-scale round of criminal proceedings against about 500
(hina) ha
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