( Editorial: --> 5269 )
VUKOVAR, Aug 22 (Hina) - Showered by rain and applause,
participants in an Arabian horse marathon entered the eastern
Croatian City of Vukovar on Saturday thereby ending their 420km-
long trek.
The 13 horsemen were welcomed by representatives of the Vukovar-
Srijem County and city authorities in front of Vukovar's Eltz
This unique marathon, held for the second time, began seven days ago
from Voloder, a village in the central Croatian region of
The event was dedicated to all of Vukovar's war victims, especially
Kutina's Zdravko Bezuk, who was killed in November 1991 defending
(Hina) mbr
221624 MET aug 98
PSV angažirao Lucasa Pereza
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