( Editorial: --> 5180 )
BANJA LUKA, Aug 21 (Hina) - The Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Franjo
Komarica, on Friday sent an open letter to the president of
Republika Srpska, Biljana Plavsic, protesting about the repeated
endangering of the lives and property of members of the Catholic
Church in Ivanjska (near Banja Luka) and Zabrdje (near Kotor
Recalling that mass was forcefully prevented from taking place in
Ivanjska on occasion of Assumption Day, while the mass had been
dutifully announced to the local police, Komarica stressed that
several persons had endangered the faithful, obviously stimulated
by those who are bothered by prayer and free religion.
There had been no great consequences thanks to the good sense of the
priest and people, as well as a SFOR intervention. However, what
confuses and saddens is the passiveness of the local police.
Komarica said great damage had been caused to St. Leopold - Bogdan
church by an explosion on August 16.
The two most recent armed attacks on the remaining Catholics in
Bosnia-Herzegovina's Serb republic was only a sequel to a number of
such cases in the past two months.
The faithful are justly posing the question - how to protect the
property and lives of displaced persons who want to return, when
this is how those who had managed to stay in their home town are
being treated, Komarica said.
In both cases, the local police could know who organised these
"You will undoubtedly agree when I say that these incidents are
surely not in accordance of the spirit of promises you gave to me a
month ago," Komarica said in his letter.
He asked Plavsic to do everything to protect the lives and property
of peace-loving co-residents, members of the Catholic Church.
(hina) lml
212217 MET aug 98
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