( Editorial: --> 3381 )
PRISTINA, 13 Aug (Hina) - Serbian forces set fire to a dozen
villages in the Decani municipality, the Kosovo Information centre
reported Wednesday night.
Large army and police forces yesterday entered the villages of
Glogjane, Babaloce, Granocele and another nine municipalities in
the Decani area and set them on fire.
Almost 25,000 Kosovo Albanians fled their villages.
The same source reported the deaths of seven Albanians and the
wounding of 49.
Decani residents called on the international community to urgently
take measures and prevent a massacre threatening the Albanian
Reports on increasing tensions also came from Mitrovica where 60
Serbian police officers yesterday carried out a raid in downtown
Mitrovica harassing Albanians.
At least 20 Albanians were beaten up and another five were
The reasons for the raid are not known, the same source sad.
(hina) rml
131208 MET aug 98
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