BELGRADE, Feb 10 (Hina) - Doris Pack, president of a European Parliament delegation for Southeast Europe, said in Belgrade on Saturday she had requested Yugoslav authorities to immediately arrest the infamous Vukovar Trio as a sign of
Yugoslavia's willingness to cooperate with UN's war crimes tribunal in The Hague. Pack said the talks she held in Yugoslavia during her three-day visit had pointed to the possibility of arresting Veselin Sljivancanin, Mile Mrksic, and Miroslav Radic, known to be on Yugoslav territory and responsible for war crimes in the eastern Croatian town of Vukovar in the 1990s. Speaking to reporters, Pack confirmed she did not get an answer during her talks with Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and senior Yugoslav and Serb officials. Pack said the European Parliament delegation had suggested that the infamous trio be arrested but not extradited to the Hague tribunal at onc
BELGRADE, Feb 10 (Hina) - Doris Pack, president of a European
Parliament delegation for Southeast Europe, said in Belgrade on
Saturday she had requested Yugoslav authorities to immediately
arrest the infamous Vukovar Trio as a sign of Yugoslavia's
willingness to cooperate with UN's war crimes tribunal in The
Pack said the talks she held in Yugoslavia during her three-day
visit had pointed to the possibility of arresting Veselin
Sljivancanin, Mile Mrksic, and Miroslav Radic, known to be on
Yugoslav territory and responsible for war crimes in the eastern
Croatian town of Vukovar in the 1990s.
Speaking to reporters, Pack confirmed she did not get an answer
during her talks with Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and
senior Yugoslav and Serb officials.
Pack said the European Parliament delegation had suggested that the
infamous trio be arrested but not extradited to the Hague tribunal
at once.
(hina) ha