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ZAGREB, Sept 30 (Hina) - Ahead of an extraordinary assembly of the Croatian Writers' Society (DHK), which should discuss criticism about the organisation and work of the society, the DHK steering committee on Monday addressed the Croatian public with a statement.
ZAGREB, Sept 30 (Hina) - Ahead of an extraordinary assembly of the Croatian Writers' Society (DHK), which should discuss criticism about the organisation and work of the society, the DHK steering committee on Monday addressed the Croatian public with a statement. #L# The steering committee regrets that some members have left the DHK and does not doubt the legitimacy of their decision, the statement says. The steering committee warns about an orchestrated media distortion of DHK's image which it says has been happening for some time. It also warns about petty politicking in the labelling of the DHK as a "closed and retrograde group of people who think alike, leftists... mediocrities, to the blackness of the last Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) bunker and galloping fascism". This only uncovers the habits and handwriting of the authors of these insinuations and imputations, says the statement. The editorial boards of seven DHK publications include members who for years have been the harshest critics and fault-finders of the HDZ. The steering committee in the past three years has not once meddled in the work of those editorial boards, while an organised media campaign is distorting these facts, knowingly feeding false information to the public, the statement says. Working in these editorial boards are Velimir Viskovic, Sibila Petlevski, Drazen Katunaric, Zarko Pajic, Zdravko Zima, Ivo Zanic, Branimir Donat, Vlaho Bogisic, Tonko Maroevic... The statement also says that certain members of the Croatian P.E.N. Centre frequently criticise the DHK. (hina) lml sb


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