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ZAGREB, Sept 20 (Hina) - A former Croatian army chief-of-staff, Janko Bobetko, has been indicted by the Hague-based international war crimes tribunal for crimes against humanity and violations of the rights and customs of war in Medak pocket in September 1993, the tribunal said Friday night.
ZAGREB, Sept 20 (Hina) - A former Croatian army chief-of-staff, Janko Bobetko, has been indicted by the Hague-based international war crimes tribunal for crimes against humanity and violations of the rights and customs of war in Medak pocket in September 1993, the tribunal said Friday night. #L# Spokeswoman for the tribunal's prosecution, Florance Hartmann, said that the indictment, until now sealed, had been unsealed by the tribunal's decision. The chief prosecutor sent the indictment to be signed by judges on August 26, and it was on September 17. It was sent to the Croatian authorities along with an arrest warrant on September 19. Hartmann told Hina that the tribunal had forwarded the indictment to the chief prosecutor so she may send it to the Croatian authorities, which was where the source of misunderstanding lay. A new document has been issued, which specifies that the warrant has been sent to the Croatian government, Hartmann said. Croatian Vice-Premier Goran Granic on Friday afternoon said the indictment had been sent back to the tribunal's prosecution because the accompanying documentation did not contain information as to what the Croatian government was expected to do. The tribunal has announced it would soon issue an integral text of the indictment. (hina) lml sb


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