ZAGREB, Sept 13 (Hina) - A summit of the prime ministers of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) member-countries will be held in Bratislava on Friday and Saturday, while Croatia, represented by Vice Premier Slavko Linic,
will have the observer status.
ZAGREB, Sept 13 (Hina) - A summit of the prime ministers of the
Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) member-countries
will be held in Bratislava on Friday and Saturday, while Croatia,
represented by Vice Premier Slavko Linic, will have the observer
status. #L#
The main goal of the summit is the analysis of the development of the
existing economic and trade relations among CEFTA member-
countries, CEFTA's functioning, progress made in various
agreements and the exchange of information and experience in
multilateral negotiations within the World Trade Organisation.
The most important topic for Croatia are the results of
negotiations on its joining the CEFTA.
The Croatian delegation at the summit also includes Croatian Deputy
Economy Minister Miroslav Bozic and Assistant Economy Minister
Olgica Spevec. The Croatian delegation is expected to hold numerous
bilateral meetings in Bratislava.
(hina) it