SARAJEVO, Aug 27 (Hina) - The mass grave site discovered some ten days ago near the village of Kamenica in eastern Bosnia could be one of the largest found to date containing the victims of a massacre committed by Bosnian Serbs
against Bosniaks from Srebrenica in the summer of 1995, the Sarajevo media reported on Tuesday.
SARAJEVO, Aug 27 (Hina) - The mass grave site discovered some ten
days ago near the village of Kamenica in eastern Bosnia could be one
of the largest found to date containing the victims of a massacre
committed by Bosnian Serbs against Bosniaks from Srebrenica in the
summer of 1995, the Sarajevo media reported on Tuesday. #L#
Tuzla Canton Court investigating judge Emin Halicevic told
Sarajevo's "Dnevni avaz" daily he believed that the grave could
contain the remains of at least 350 people.
Exhumation works that have been conducted by the Polish
anthropologist Eva Klonowski have revealed 27 undamaged skeletons
and fragmented remains of another 70 bodies.
Only ten days prior to the discovery of the site another mass grave
was found in the immediate vicinity. Two hundred bodies were
exhumed from that grave.
According to forensic results, both sites are so-called secondary
graves, which means that the bodies in them were transferred from
It is assumed that the bodies belong to the Srebrenica Bosniaks
killed by the Serbs after their capture in Bratunac and Kravica,
where they had been initially buried.
The Bosnian Serb authorities had the bodies relocated to other
sites in an attempt to cover up the traces of the mass killings
Investigators have ascertained that special machinery was used at
the location of the newly discovered grave in order to fragmentise
the victims' bones, thus preventing any identification attempt.
This year alone three mass grave sites have been discovered in the
Podrinje region and the remains of 750 persons were exhumed from
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