WASHINGTON, June 13 (Hina) - Representatives of Croatia and theInternational Monetary Fund have reached a preliminary agreement on anew stand-by arrangement which is aimed at reducing Croatia'sbudgetary deficit to 4.5 percent of GDP
and stabilising its foreigndebt at 77 percent of GDP, the state secretary at the Croatian FinanceMinistry, Martina Dalic, said on Saturday. The environmental organisation Eko Kvarner onSunday accused President Stjepan Mesic of "manipulating the Croatianpublic" in order to promote the Druzba Adria project. Representatives of "Eurotower" and"Hidorocommerce" companies announced at a news conference on Fridaythe start of construction works on the "Eurotower" business centre,one of the highest business buildings in Zagreb and Croatia. The third volume of the five-volume scientificedition "Croatia and Europe - Culture, Science and Art" was presentedin Zagreb on Saturday. Voter turnout in Sunday's elections fo
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