ZAGREB, June 3 (Hina) - The Chief Prosecutor for the InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Carla del Ponte,held talks with Croatian President Stjepan Mesic in Zagreb onThursday. The Chief Prosecutor of the
InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Carla del Ponte,said after talks with Croatian Justice Minister Vesna Skare Ozbolt inZagreb on Thursday that Croatia entirely cooperated with the ICTYProsecutor's Office. Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said onThursday he hoped the parliament would support the government'sproposal for postponing the implementation of a parliamentary decisiondeclaring a protected fishing and ecological zone in the Adriaticuntil Croatia and the European Union reached an agreement on fishing. The Croatian parliament started its Thursdaysitting with a debate on when and how it should discuss thegovernment's proposal to postpone the implementation of a deci
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