SARAJEVO, March 18 (Hina) - The leadership of the Islamic community in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its chief, Mustafa Ceric, strongly condemned the demolition of mosques in Serbia as well as of Orthodox churches and monasteries in Kosovo,
and sent a message of support and encouragement to Muslims in Serbia.
SARAJEVO, March 18 (Hina) - The leadership of the Islamic community in
Bosnia-Herzegovina and its chief, Mustafa Ceric, strongly condemned
the demolition of mosques in Serbia as well as of Orthodox churches
and monasteries in Kosovo, and sent a message of support and
encouragement to Muslims in Serbia.#L#
Ceric sent a message to the Belgrade Imam, Hamdija Jusufspahic, saying
that the whole Islamic community was sorry and sympathized with local
believers after the mosques in Belgrade and Nis were set on fire.
According to a press release the Islamic community's leadership sent
to the media in Bosnia, the demolition of the mosques in Belgrade and
Nis closed "the vicious circle of evil which originated from that
country (Serbia) and its former president, who is currently an
indictee before the Hague Tribunal, Slobodan Milosevic".
The leadership said it was shocked and outraged by those acts, and
added that it also strongly condemned the burning of churches and
other religious facilities in Kosovo.
(Hina) ms sb