The incident occurred shortly before 2200 hours on Sunday as the couple were on their way back home.
Mr Pusic was parking his car when a visibly drunk man came up to him and started to shout abuse and threaten him. The man, their neighbour, also threatened Mrs Pusic and pushed her hard against the car. Mr Pusic got out of the car and grabbed the man when another man interfered and punched Mr Pusic. The two attackers, apparently brothers, then fled.
Mr Pusic reported the incident to the police but did not press any charges against the attackers out of sympathy with their mother, who he said begged him in tears to forgive them.
The police arrived at the scene shortly afterwards and confirmed the incident happening. They said they would press charges only against the 32-year-old man for insulting Mrs Pusic, but did not mention the attack on Mr Pusic in their report.
Mr Pusic told Hina by telephone he was surprised by the police report, adding that he had told the police the same thing he had told the press.
Government spokesman Ratko Macek said on Monday that the government "condemns this act of violence."