DjakovoDJAKOVO, June 8 (Hina) - Dutch Foreign Trade Minister Karien van Gennipon Wednesday attended the official opening of the 'Djakovo Pilana'saw-mill in the eastern Croatian town of Djakovo. The sawmill, whichis owned by Dutch
businessman Peter van Dongen, was opened with theassistance of the Dutch government.
DJAKOVO, June 8 (Hina) - Dutch Foreign Trade Minister Karien van
Gennip on Wednesday attended the official opening of the 'Djakovo Pilana'
saw-mill in the eastern Croatian town of Djakovo. The sawmill, which is owned
by Dutch businessman Peter van Dongen, was opened with the assistance of the
Dutch government. Minister van Gennip said this was the first
example of Croatian-Dutch cooperation.
The plant is worth 3.2 million euros, with the Dutch government's
contribution amounting to approximately one million euros.
The annual output of the sawmill is 15,000 square metres of timber.