The government upfront strongly dismisses every possible explanation of the tribunal which would serve as a justification for possible tragic consequences, the Serbian government said in a statement, adding that "another tragic case" in the Hague tribunal "is absolutely unacceptable".
Contrary to that position, a representative of the ICTY in Belgrade, Aleksandra Milenov, told reporters on Thursday that Seselj's human rights were entirely respected, in accordance with all regulations and the statute of the tribunal, adding that Seselj himself decided to endanger his health.
The Hague tribunal sincerely wants Seselj to start taking food and accept medical care and to actively participate in the processes held before the ICTY against him, Milenov said, adding that the Hague tribunal was prepared to look into all possibilities that can help Seselj's condition.
Vojislav Seselj, who charged with war crimes against the non-Serb population in Croatia, Vojvodina and Bosnia-Herzegovina, started a hunger strike on 11 November.