Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.
SARAJEVO, Aug 9 (Hina) - The Chairman of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, said on Wednesday that General Atif Dudakovic and members of the Fifth Corps of the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina honorably defended their
homeland and could not be equated with those responsible for aggression and mass systematic crimes. Serbian Defence Minister Zoran Stankovic told Serbian Radio-Television (RTS) on Wednesday that comprehensive documentation about crimes against Serbs, gathered by a committee in charge of collecting data on international humanitarian law violations, had been submitted to the Hague war crimes tribunal ten years ago. Almost 90 percent of citizens believe Croatia needs to precisely regulate the financing of political parties and campaigns, according to the latest survey conducted by Transparency International Croatia. One of the presidents of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Efraim Zuroff, told the press in Belgrade on Wednesday that Serbia had the right to seek the extr