The average price is calculated on the data of 500,000 prices offered in newspaper advertisements and notices on real estate sale.
Thus, in the Croatian capital of Zagreb, asking prices rose 0.2 percent in December on the month and decreased 5.3 percent on the year.
Real estate prices in the coastal area increased 1.1 percent on the month and decreased 3.9 percent on the year.
The average asking price for a flat in Zagreb was EUR 1,817 per square metre, the same one as in November. It fell down by 4 percent year-on-year.
The average asking price for a house in Zagreb came to EUR 1,159 per square metre, rising 0.6 percent month-on-month and plunging 10.2 percent year-on-year.
The average asking price for a summer cottage or a condominium apartment in the coastal region was EUR 1,943 per square metre, going up 1.9 percent on the month and going down 1 percent on the year.
The agency expects a marginal rise in the volume in real estate trade in 2011 provided that the correction of prices goes on.