The leaders of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ BiH) and the Party for Bosnia-Herzegovina, who have convened in Mostar to discuss constituional changes, said on Tuesday evening said Bosnia was a Council of Europe member and should adopt a law on lustration in compliance with the said resolution.
MOSTAR, Feb 8 (Hina) - Leaders of three right-of-centre parties inBosnia-Herzegovina have openly urged for the adoption of a lustrationact, after the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europerecently adopted a resolution
condemning crimes committed by thetotalitarian Communist regimes.
MOSTAR, Feb 8 (Hina) - Leaders of three right-of-centre parties in
Bosnia-Herzegovina have openly urged for the adoption of a lustration act,
after the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recently adopted a
resolution condemning crimes committed by the totalitarian Communist