The local media said on Thursday that being the Development Bank director, Dzaferovic has made potential clients for favourable loans use services of a private auditing company whose owner he is, if they want to qualify for loans.
The cantonal office of the Chief State Prosecutor in Sarajevo said that it had received the charges which allege that the suspects unlawfully obtained some 450,000 euros.
One of suspects believed to be engaged in unlawful transactions are managers of the property of the Avaz publishing company, owned by Fahrudin Radoncic.
The Development Bank of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina approved a loan of 22 million convertible banks for the construction of a new skyscraper of Avaz in the centre of the Bosnian capital, and this has provoked strong criticism form the public as Development Bank funds should be earmarked primarily for the development of entrepreneurship.
Some high-profile suspects are the director of the Employment Office in the Croat-Muslim federation, Miralem Saric, the "Lake" construction company owner Nedzad Bubica, the "Teleoptic" company onwer Nedim Causevic, and managers in the Stanic Grupa.
Dzaferovic refuted allegations, saying that he became a target of revenge of disgruntled entrepreneurs who failed to get loans from the bank.