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OTS: Institut IGH d.d. - Note on decisions adopted by General Assembly

Zagreb (HinaOTS) - Institut IGH, d.d. Zagreb, MBS 080000959, OIB 79766124714, is issuing as follows:

Pursuant to Article 459 of the Capital Market Act and the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, INSTITUT IGH, d.d., with registered seat in Zagreb, Janka Rakuše 1, VAT number / OIB: 79766124714 („the Issuer“) hereby notifies that the General Assembly of the Issuer was held today, 26 August 2019, starting at 9.00h, where the following Decisions were adopted:

Ad 4.) Decision on the utilization of income earned of the company INSTITUT IGH d.d. in the financial year of 2018

“Article 1
It is hereby established that in the year ending 31 December 2018, the company INSTITUT IGH, d.d. achieved a profit after taxation amounting to HRK 1.319.974, 31.

Article 2
The achieved profit of the company INSTITUT IGH, d.d., as specified in Article 1 of this Decision, will be used to cover losses from previous business periods of the Company.”

Ad 5.) Decision on issuing the note of release to the Company's Management Board
"The note of release is given to the Company's Management Board for the business year 2018.
This Decision takes effect from the day of its adoption."

Ad 6.) Decision on issuing the note of release to the Supervisory Board of the Company
"The note of release is given to the Company's Supervisory Board members for the business year 2018.
This Decision takes effect from the day of its adoption."

Ad 7.) Decision on the appointment of the Auditor for the business year 2019
“The company PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o. for auditing and consulting, Zagreb, Heinzelova 70, VAT no / OIB: 81744835353, was appointed as the Company’s auditor for the business year of 2019. By reference to and in compliance with Article 275, paragraph 1, item 7 of the Companies Act, it is determined that the auditor's fee will amount to HRK 200,000.00, excluding VAT and dependent costs.

This Decision takes effect from the day of its adoption."

Ad 8.) Decision on the appointment of the Supervisory Board member
“Mr. Mariyan Tkach, address Versoix 1290, Chemin DepontCeard 18, Switzerland, PIN: OIB 200591396734, is hereby appointed member of the Supervisory Board of the Company, for a period of four years from the adoption of this Decision.“
Institut IGH, d.d
Source of information:
10000 Zagreb, Janka Rakuše 1
Tel: +385 01 6125-789
Fax: +385 01 6125 415
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