On July 29, 2019, the Supervisory Board of JADRAN d.d. Crikvenica held a session at which it discussed and duly noted the unaudited Financial Statements for the Group (consolidated) and JADRAN d.d. (nonconsolidated) for the period January 1 – June 30, 2019.
Jadran d.d.
Napomena o izvoru:
Jadran d.d.
Bana Jelačića 16, 51260 Crikvenica
Tel: +385 51 241 222
e-mail: zse@jadran-crikvenica.hr
URL: www.jadran-crikvenica.hr
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Crikvenica (HinaOTS) - Jadran d.d. from Crikvenica, Bana Jelačića 16, MB: 03145662, MBS: 040000817, OIB: 56994999963, is issuing as follows: