The constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board of Tankerska Next Generation was held on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 by Ivica Pijaca, Mario Pavić, Nikola Koščica, Joško Miliša and Dalibor Fell whereafter Mr. Pijaca was elected President and Mr. Pavić was elected Vice President of the Supervisory Board.
Tankerska Next Generation Inc.
Source of information:
Tankerska Next Generation d.d.
Božidara Petranovića 4
23000 Zadar
Informations to investors:
Tel: 023 202 132
Fax: 023 250 580
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Zadar (HinaOTS) - Tankerska Next Generation Inc., Božidara Petranovića 4, Zadar, OIB: 30312968003, is issuing as follows: