HOLLYWOOD, 9. veljače (Hina/Reuter) - Slijedi spisak naslova filmova
koji su dobili najviše nominacija za ovogodišnjeg Oskara, koji će se
ove godine, 21. ožujka, dodijeliti 66. put u povijesti američke
kinematografije. Broj nominacija je u zagradi, a na prvom mjestu je
ovogodišnji favorit "Schindlerova lista" Stevena Spielberga.
1."Schindler's List" - u proizvodnji Universal (12)
2."The Piano" - Miramax (8)
3."Remains of the Day" - Columbia (8)
4."The Fugitive" - Warner Bros. (7)
5."In the Name of the Father" - Universal ( 7)
6."The Age of Innocence" - Columbia (5)
7."Philadelphia" - TriStar (5)
8."Cliffhanger" - TriStar (3)
9."In the Line of Fire" - Columbia (3)
10."Jurassic Park" - Universal (3)
NAJBOLJI FILM: "The Fugitive"
"In The Name of the Father"
"The Piano"
"The Remains of the Day"
"Schindler's List"
NAJBOLJI REŽISER: Jim Sheridan - "In the Name of the Father"
Jane Campion - "The Piano"
James Ivory - "The Remains of the Day"
Steven Spielberg - "Schindler's List"
Robert Altman - "Short Cuts"
ULOGA: Angela Bassett - "What's Love Got to do With It"
Stockard Channing - "Six Degrees of Separation"
Holly Hunter - "The Piano"
Emma Thompson - "The Remains of the Day"
Debra Winger - "Shadowlands"
ULOGA: Daniel Day-Lewis - "In The Name of the Father"
Laurence Fishburne - "What's Love Got to Do With It"
Tom Hanks - "Philadelphia"
Anthony Hopkins - "The Remains of the Day"
Liam Neeson - "Schindler's List"
ULOGA: Holly Hunter - "The Firm"
Anna Paquin - "The Piano"
Rosie Perez - "Fearless"
Winona Ryder - "The Age of Innocence"
Emma Thompson - "In the Name of the
ULOGA: Leonardo DiCaprio - "What's Eating
Gilbert Grape"
Ralph Fiennes - "Schindler's List"
Tommy Lee Jones - "The Fugitive"
John Malkovich - "In The Line of Fire"
Pete Postlethwaite - "In the Name
of the Father"
NAJBOLJI STRANI FILM: "Belle Epoque" - Španjolska
"Zbogom moja konkubino" - Hong Kong
"Hedd Wynn" - Velika Britanija
"The Scent of Green Papaya" - Vijetnam
"The Wedding Banquet" - Tajvan
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091705 MET feb 94
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