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CIJENE BILJNIH ULJA NA TRŽIŠTU U VELIKOJ BRITANIJI Velika Britanija - SJEME 04. rujna 1996. ____________________________________________________________ SOJINO ZRNO cif bilo kojeg porijekla u sterlinzima po toni ruj lis stu/sij 229,00 232,00 224,00 REPINO SJEME isporučeno u Veliku Britaniju u sterlinzima po toni nije navedeno __________________________________________________________ Velika Britanija - BILJNA ULJA sve cijene su u sterlinzima po toni _____________________________________________________________ ULJE OD ULJE OD ULJE OD CARGILL SOJINO REPINOG LANENOG LANENOG ULJE SJEMENA SJEMENA SJEMENA _____________________________________________________________ KOL 386 386 - - RUJ 389 389 - - LIS 394 394 - - STU/SIJ 405 405 - - VELJ/TRA 414 414 - - sojino ulje sirovovo-istovareno u Liverpoolu ulje od repinog sjemena - istovareno Hull/Liverpool ulje od lanenog sjemena - bilo kojeg porijekla istovareno Hull, u metalnim bačvama ulje od cargill lanenog sjemena - ex-mill Hull bez ambalaže _____________________________________________________________ Soft oils end lower in Europe, palm/laurics stuck LONDON, Sept 4 (Reuter) - Soft oils drifted lower towards the close of business on the European vegetable oil market on Wednesday following a lower opening in Chicago. Chicago soy oil futures opened lower following the latest crop estimate from the Farmers Commodities Corp (FCC) which put 1996 U.S. soybean production at 2.28 billion bushels, still below the USDA estimate of 2.30 billion, but above the last FCC forecast of 2.271 billion. At the close of business soft oils were 0.50 to one guilder lower. Palm oil and lauric oils remained range-bound. Market talk in the Far East of a delay to a shipment of palm oil for Iraq from Malaysia was not seen as a problem. Talk centred around 80,000 tonnes of RBD palm oil which is reported to have been sold to Iraq two months ago for shipment between August-November, the September shipment of which is due to load soon and may face delays following U.S. attacks on Iraq. Some traders said a delay to the September shipment could cause a build up in Malaysian stocks during September/November and pressure palm oil futures on the KLCE. However, others said they did not believe there would be a problem as only around 14,000 tonnes of palm oil were involved. "I hardly think 14,000 tonnes of palm oil is going to make that much differnce to Malaysian stocks," said one trader. "Besides which, the vessel hasn't even arrived in a Malaysian port yet to load and I am sure the seller could soon find a home for the oil if Iraq can't take it," he added. Traders said Iraq is unlikely to cancel palm oil contracts due to very tight nearby supplies. Crude palm oil closed $2.50 up in Europe while refined palm oil was unchanged to $2.50 higher after RBD palm oil fetched $538 a tonne for Sep and olein for Sep 7 loading traded at $585 a tonne fob Malaysian ports. Coconut oil closed unchanged to $5 down and palmkernel oil unchanged. Among soft oils soy oil was unchanged to 0.75 guilders down and rape oil one to 0.75 guilders lower in tradeless markets. Informacije: Slavica Bocek telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148 051100 MET sep 96

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