Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 28. kolovoza 1996.
INDEX 95/96 "A" 76,45 - ( 75,85) PRIJE
INDEX 95/96 "B" 75,65 - ( 74,60) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 28. kolovoza 1996.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
AMER N.O/TEXAS MIDD 1-1/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 83.75
AMER MEMPHIS TERR. MIDD 1-3/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 85.75
S.BRAZILIAN TYPE 5/6 1-1/16(96/97) ------ nije
PARAGUAYAN MIDD 1-3/32(96/97) ------ nije
ARGENTINE GRD C-1/2 1-1/16(96/97) ------ nije
TURK ADANA STD.1 1-1/16(96/97) ------ nije
TURK IZMIR/ANT ST.1 1-3/32 RG(96/97) ------ nije
CENTRAL ASIAN MIDD 1-3/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 72.00
PAK SIND/PUNJAB-AFZAL 1-1/32(96/97) Sij/Velj 74.25
AFRICAN"FRANC ZONE'SM 1-3/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 77.50
AUSTRALIAN SM 1-3/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 83.50
SUDAN BARAKAT NO. X4B ------ nije
SUDAN ACALA 1 (96/97) ------ nije
PERU TANGIUS GRD 3-1/2 ------ nije
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 ------ nije
European raw cotton buying interest limited
LIVERPOOL, England, Aug 28 (Reuter) - A sharp advance in New
York cotton futures has limited short-term buying interest in
European raw cotton, industry sources said.
Many mill buyers have maintained the view that raw cotton
prices will weaken as the northern hemisphere new crop harvests
gather momentum, they added.
The latest upturn in New York was thought likely to prompt a
fresh examination of the price outlook, particularly as many
mills are presumed to have purchased significant quantities to
meet their shipment requirements over the next few months.
291153 MET aug 96
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