NEW YORK KAVA FIZIČKI SPOTOVI - 28. kolovoza 1996. cijene su u
američkim centima po libri
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 5 cts under "C" 122.30 N
Colombian MAMs 30 cts over "C" 157.30 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 134.30 N
Mexican even to "C" 127.30 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 134.30 N
Peru 3 cents over "C" 130.30 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 4 cts over London 79.61 N
Indonesia EK1 even to London 75.61 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 12 cts under "C" 115.30 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 28. kolovoza 1996.
SEP6 127.90 130.00 130.50 126.30 127.00 127.30 1
DEC6 116.60 117.60 119.40 115.25 116.00 116.55 1
MAR7 111.15 112.00 113.10 109.90 110.20 110.90 1
MAY7 111.00 111.75 112.25 109.60 111.00 111.00 1
JUL7 108.75 111.25 111.70 108.75 110.50 110.75 1
SEP7 108.50 110.50 111.25 108.50 110.50 110.75 1
DEC7 110.80 110.00 110.80 110.00 110.50 110.75 1
CSCE coffee ends lower, but support holds
NEW YORK, Aug 27 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee ended sharply
lower for the second straight day, pressured by local and
speculative selling as a downside correction continued.
"The market got tremendously overbought," one trader said.
"We have been seeing some technical profit taking."
But traders said scale-down roaster buying lifted prices
off session lows, and kept the December contract from
breaching key psychological support at 115.00 cents a lb.
Benchmark December coffee ended down 2.65 at 116.55 after
ranging between 119.40 and 115.25. Spot September ended 3.80
lower at 127.30 while the remaining months lost 1.00 to 2.30.
Despite the market's recent downturn, dealers said low
Exchange inventories should continue to support values.
"The next six weeks will still be tight physically," said
a trader, adding that new crop Colombian and Central American
coffees would probably become available in October or
The CSCE reported Monday that U.S. certified coffee stocks
rose 4,797 bags in the week ended August 23, to 39,313. But
spot September's open interest was still relatively high at
1,562 lots Tuesday, the equivalent of about 390,500 bags of
coffee. Volume was moderate, at an estimated 8,688 lots.
291152 MET aug 96
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