NEW YORK KAVA FIZIČKI SPOTOVI - 23. kolovoza 1996. cijene su u
američkim centima po libri
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 5 cts under "C" 127.25 N
Colombian MAMs 30 cts over "C" 162.25 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 139.25 N
Mexican even to "C" 132.25 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 139.25 N
Peru 3 cents over "C" 135.25 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 4 cts over London 80.43 N
Indonesia EK1 even to London 76.43 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 12 cts under "C" 120.25 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 23. kolovoza 1996.
SEP6 131.75 131.60 132.75 128.50 131.75 132.25 1
DEC6 122.25 120.80 123.00 118.10 122.25 122.55 1
MAR7 116.25 114.50 116.25 112.25 115.75 116.05 1
MAY7 115.00 113.50 115.00 112.00 115.00 115.00 1
JUL7 113.25 113.10 113.25 112.00 114.50 114.55 1
SEP7 113.00 112.95 113.00 112.30 113.00 113.00 1
DEC7 111.00 112.00 112.50 1
CSCE coffee reverses to end higher as funds buy
NEW YORK, Aug 23 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures ended
moderately higher Friday, as a late round of fund buying
erased early losses and lifted the December contract to a
fresh three-month high, traders said.
Origin selling and local profit-taking pressured values
from the outset, but after the most-active December contract
survived a test of 118.00 cents a lb support, dealers said
downward momentum came to a halt.
Benchmark December coffee closed up 1.75 cents, at 122.55
cents, its highest settlement since May 20, after ranging
between 123.00 and 118.10. Front-month September ended up 1.15
cents a lb, at 132.25, while the remaining months gained 0.05
to 2.10. Volume reached an estimated 8,577 lots.
Market sources said today's upturn reflected persistant
concerns about tight nearby supplies.
They noted that there were still no delivery notices
issued against the spot September contract, and although
September's open interest continued to decline, Exchange
warehouses hold a meager 34,516 bags of coffee.
On Thursday, September's open interest declined 631 lots,
to 2,137 lots, the equivalent of over 500,000 bags of coffee.
While the nearby September/December switch eased to 9.70
cents today, compared to 10.30 cents on Thursday, traders
noted strength in the December/March switch, which widened to
6.50 cents versus 6.10 cents at Thursday's close.
The December contract posted gains every day this week,
rising 11.00 cents -- or nearly 10 percent -- since last
261108 MET aug 96
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