COPPER 2022.0/23.0 1954.0/55.0 1860.0/70.0 1880.0/90.0 2023
(STG EQV) 1304.49 1261.54
TIN 6095/6100 6160/6161 6220/6230 6100
LEAD 833.00/4.00 825.00/5.50 800.00/5.00 834
(STG EQV) 537.79 532.69
ZINC 1008.0/08.5 1035.0/35.5 1105.0/10.0 1128.0/33.0 1008.5
ALU.HG 1470.0/71.0 1505.0/05.5 1610.0/15.0 1663.0/68.0 1471
NICKEL 6958/6960 7060/7065 7350/7370 7515/7535 6960
ALALLOY 1263.0/64.0 1297.0/02.0 1435.0/55.0 1264
SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.5508 DEM 1.4877 JPY 108.05
LONDON, Aug 15 (Reuter) - Copper prices baulked at a test of key
overhead resistance around $1,970 a tonne during an unexciting
Thursday LME official ring session, with the market backtracking
as spread backwardations softened. Traders said the whole complex
was slow and interest was inhibited on the the upside by copper's
downturn. Also, the market is to some extent waiting for
regulator Securities and Investments Board (SIB) to issue a
consultative document on the metal market at 1300 GMT. "Once it
(copper) showed little interest in testing $1,970 the market
needed little excuse to do nothing," one trader said. The spread
backwardations, which had hardened on Wednesday on covering,
eased on persistent lending interest encompassing the nearbys
right out to the forwards. Traders said upcoming prompt dates
will vary on the amount of short-covering or rolling forward that
needs to be done, depending on the action three months ago when
the Sumitomo
affair started to unravel. By the end of the midsession kerb
three months prices were putting the $1,950 level to the test,
with last business at $1,952, against Wednesday's kerb close of
$1,949. Cash/threes was around $73/78 backwardation, compared
with over $90 on Wednesday. Other metals largely gravitated
towards the downside with nickel in particular under threat of
breaking lower, they said. Sell-stops were triggered below $7,100
and there may well be a test of $7,000 soon, given the paucity of
buying support. Last morning trade was at $7,070, down $40.
Aluminium drifted back to set itself up for another test of
$1,500, ending the session at $1,505, down $8. Lead and zinc were
both quiet, and slipped back slightly to finish with small $2
losses at $825 and $1,036 respectively. Tin similarly fell in
line with the pack, and closed the kerb at $6,160, a $15 decline.
Alloy was fractionally lower, indicated at $1,297/1,302 a tonne.
160918 MET aug 96
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