Velika Britanija - SJEME 13. kolovoza 1996.
SOJINO ZRNO cif bilo kojeg porijekla u sterlinzima po toni
kol ruj lis stu/sij
224,00 225,00 227,00 220,00
REPINO SJEME isporučeno u Veliku Britaniju u sterlinzima po toni
nije navedeno
Velika Britanija - BILJNA ULJA
sve cijene su u sterlinzima po toni
KOL 386 386 - -
RUJ 390 390 - -
LIS 405 395 - -
STU/SIJ 408 408 - -
VELJ/TRA 415 415 - -
sojino ulje sirovovo-istovareno u Liverpoolu
ulje od repinog sjemena - istovareno Hull/Liverpool
ulje od lanenog sjemena - bilo kojeg porijekla istovareno Hull, u
metalnim bačvama
ulje od cargill lanenog sjemena - ex-mill Hull bez ambalaže
Soft oils lower in Europe on easier Chicago start
LONDON, Aug 13 (Reuter) - Lower Chicago soybean and oil
futures pegged back soft oil prices in Europe on Tuesday
Earlier prices had firmed following gains in Chicago
overnight but traders had noted a softer tone creeping into the
U.S. market during project "A" trading.
Off-take by India and Pakistan underpinned the palm oil
market along with estimates of little changed Malaysian output
during July.
Malaysian plantation houses are forecasting July output as
flat to four percent up.
In his last crop report Malaysian private forecaster Ivan
Wong said extraction rates in Sabah and Sarawak had been
abnormally poor.
Wong's final crop estimate for July is due on Wednesday
ahead of the official Palm Oil Registration and Licensing
Authority (PORLA) data which will be released on August 15.
Far Eastern traders confirmed India's purchase of one parcel
palm olein at $522 a tonne c and f for September 5-20 shipment
at it's tender on Monday while the state-run Trading Corporation
of Pakistan bought 9,000 tonnes of RBD palm oil for September 7
shipment at $519.50 a tonne c and f at it's tender on Tuesday.
At the close in Europe Dutch soy oil was 0.50 guilders down
to unchanged after Aug traded at 94 and 94.50 and Sep at 95 and
95.50 guilders a 100 kilos.
Dutch/EU rape oil finish 0.75 guilders down to unchanged
after Feb/Apr fetched 100.25 guilders a 100 kilos fob ex-mill.
Crude palm oil closed around $5 up while RBD oil was
unchanged and olein unchanged to $2.50 lower with no further
business reported.
Coconut oil attract some consumer and dealer trading during
the afternoon with afloat fetching $895, $845 and $830 a tonne
cif, depending on vessel and estimated time of arrival.
In forwards positions Jul/Aug traded at $797.50 and $800 and
Aug/Sep $722.50 a tonne cif.
Closing coconut oil sellers were unchanged to $5 higher
while palmkernel oil was $2.50 to $10 lower.
Informacije: Slavica Bocek telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148
141113 MET aug 96
Pronađeni dijelovi aviona na području Velike planine
Brazilski veznjak Ederson trebao bi biti među traženijim igračima ovog ljeta
Obilježen Dan hrvatskih branitelja Vukovara
SKV: Svijet u 15,30 sati
Šibenik: Bivše radnice i radnici Revije i Plobesta najavljuju prosvjed u Zagrebu
Norveška vlada ustraje u zaštiti građana od visokih cijena energije
SKV: Hrvatska u 15,30 sati
Glavina: Velik doprinos Ličko-senjske i Karlovačke županije razvoju turizma
U Bjelovaru počinje izgradnja novog vrtića vrijednog 1,4 milijuna eura
Kontrec će obavljati dužnost predsjednika DIP-a