08. kolovoza 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 875 Med merino 21m 691
Fine merino 20m 765 Med merino 22m 608
Broad merino 23m 530 Comeback 25m 492n
Broad merino 24m 510 Comeback 26m 478n
Fine Xbred 27m 475n Med Xbred 29m 466n
Fine Xbred 28m 474n Med Xbred 30m 462n
Med Xbred 31m 455n Merino cardings 420
Xbred cardings 363n Eastern mkt ind 602
RTRS-Australian wool market firms this week
SYDNEY, Aug 9 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market firmed
marginally through this week on a relatively small offering,
Wesfarmers Dalgety Ltd said in its market report.
The eastern market indicator rose 9.0 cents to 602 cents a
kg clean while the western indicator fell 11 cents to 549 cents.
Of the 68,796 bales offered, 89 percent sold to the trade.
Wesfarmers said the market continued to generally hover
around previously established levels as it has done for the last
eight selling weeks.
However, quite significant price differentials between fine,
medium and broad micron types have now been established.
These differentials are expected to further develop with
continuing strong Japanese demand for fine types, Wesfarmers
The Australian Council of Wool Exporters said competition
for 20 to 21 micron wool was particularly keen this week as
buyers competed to fill indent orders for prompt shipment.
"Fine knit wool garments are currently very fashionable in
Japan and Korea and these garments are predominantly
manufactured from 20-21 micron wool," the Council said.
Wool International said a total of 110 SFE wool futures
contracts traded in the week ended August 8.
The August contract closed 27 cents up at 733 cents/kg clean
and October 21 cents up at 739. Open interest declined to 654.
Wool International sold 22,768 farm bale equivalents of
stockpile wool in the week, all for the September quarter.
At August 8, its stockpile stood at 2,194,047 bales and the
forward sold position was 178,088 bales for the September
quarter and 1,608 for the December quarter.
Sales next week are in Sydney and Melbourne with 60,227 bales
on offer.
Bradford - cijene vune - 08. kolovoza 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 504 58s SUPER 353
66s SUPER 463 58s BLENDED 333
64s SUPER 417 56s SUPER 365
64s BLENDED 411 54s CARDED 353
60s SUPER 392 50s CARDED 333
60s BLENDED 374 58s ENGLISH 279
50s ENGLISH 267
56s ENGLISH 270
Bradford wool market sluggish, waits autumn upturn
BRADFORD, Aug 8 (Reuter) - The Bradford wool market saw
little movement in prices despite hopes that an end to the
holiday period in Scandinavia and Germany might lift the level
of activity, brokers reported on Thursday.
The August price outlook remains fairly grim, they said.
But, some trade sources predicted a revival led by coarse
types in September when buying by the carpet industry was
expected to reflect improvements in the housing market.
However, others said that the fall in New Zealand prices
signalled that Bradford would do no more than hold steady.
091709 MET aug 96
Glavina: Velik doprinos Ličko-senjske i Karlovačke županije razvoju turizma
U Bjelovaru počinje izgradnja novog vrtića vrijednog 1,4 milijuna eura
Kontrec će obavljati dužnost predsjednika DIP-a
Gordana Jalšovečki na čelu Vrhovnog suda do novog izbora
Rutte: Kriza u BiH mora se smiriti, NATO neće dopustiti ugrožavanje mira
Inicijativa za osnivanje Antifašističkog muzeja u Istri
Končar ugovorio posao vrijedan oko 18,4 milijuna eura za švedsko tržište
Branko Karačić nije više trener Posušja
Hrvatski paraolimpijski odbor i Končar nastavili partnersku suradnju
Golemi požar nakon sudara tankera i teretnog broda na sjeveru Engleske